1. Introductory Provisions
  2. Basic Principles of Platform Operation
  3. Registration and User Account
  4. Provision of Services
  5. Additional Rights and Obligations of the User
  6. Limitation of Liability of the Operator
  7. Licenses and Copyright
  8. Additional Rights and Obligations of the Operator
  9. Protection of Personal Data
  10. Confidentiality of Information and Non-Disclosure
  11. Final Provisions


  1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "General Terms and   Conditions" or "GTC") are issued by Civitta Slovakia, a.s., with registered office at Bottova 2/A, 811 09 Bratislava - Staré Mesto, ID No.: 36 740 454, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the District Court Bratislava III, section: Sa, insert No.: 4085/B (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator").
  2. The Operator operates platforms available on the websites and, which focus on facilitating the provision of services in the field of innovative project development, aiming, among other things, to educate and connect their users (hereinafter referred to as the "Platforms").
  3. A User is any natural or legal person who visits and uses the Platforms operated by the Operator (hereinafter referred to as the "User").
  4. By Conditions, these General Terms and Conditions of the Operator for the operation and use of the Platforms, including all their parts, are understood, regulating in particular the mutual rights and obligations between the Operator and Users arising from the operation and use of the Platforms, relationships among Users, as well as other rights and obligations of Users when using services provided by the Operator in connection with the operation of the Platforms (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions").
  5. The User is obliged to familiarize themselves with these Conditions. By registering on the Platforms, the User expressly confirms that they have read these Conditions, understood them, agree with them, and undertakes to comply with them. By visiting the Platforms and using them in practice, including without registration, the User agrees to and undertakes to comply with these Conditions.

  1. The Platforms, their content, as well as their infrastructure, operation, and use are subject to these Conditions.


  1. The use of the Platforms is free of charge for the User unless otherwise agreed between the User and the Operator.
  2. The Operator does not verify nor is responsible for the reliability or trustworthiness of Users, and is not obliged to provide any information necessary to assess their reliability.
  3. The Operator is not responsible for the functionality of the Platforms, nor for the timeliness, accuracy, and substantive correctness of the information published on the Platforms. The Operator reserves the right to partially or completely restrict the functionality of the Platforms at any time without further justification, or to modify the content of the information published on the Platforms or the appearance of the Platforms.
  4. Furthermore, the Operator does not guarantee the maintenance and retention of all User data or uninterrupted and continuous operation.
  5. The Operator is not responsible for the content of any other internet presentations and portals not operated by the Operator and to which access is only provided through links on the Platforms, nor for the content of any parts of the Platforms created by Users, including the content of posts by other Users, descriptions and photographs of services provided, content of correspondence and files exchanged between Users, and for the content of advertisements or other promotional materials potentially placed on the Platforms by third parties.
  6. The Operator reserves the right to remove any part of the content of the Platforms at any time that is contrary to these Conditions, the legal order of the Slovak Republic, good manners, or otherwise threatens public order, or does not correspond to the principles or legitimate interests of the Operator or the Platforms. This includes content that is misleading or untrue, spam, unrelated to the focus of the Platforms, or content that defames a nation or language, ethnic group, or race, or content that publicly promotes violence or other unlawful acts, or incites hatred against a group of persons or restricts their rights and freedoms.


  1. Users who wish to use the services of the Platforms must have a user account (hereinafter referred to as "User Account").

  1. The Operator reserves the right to refuse registration and cancel a user Account within 5 (five) working days from their execution or creation, especially due to violations of the rules set forth in these Conditions, legal regulations, or legitimate interests of the Operator or third parties.
  2. If a User Account is created for the User on the Platforms, or if the User creates an account themselves, they are required to correctly and truthfully provide all requested data, which the Operator will then consider current and correct until they are corrected or updated by the User.
  3. Users are committed to keeping the information provided on their User Account up-to-date and accurate, and in case of any changes, to update the changed data without undue delay. If this obligation is not fulfilled, Users are responsible for any damage, harm, or loss incurred by the Operator or other Users.
  4. All information and data that the User enters on the Platforms are entered voluntarily by the User. The Operator is not obliged to verify the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, and truthfulness of any data or information entered on the Platforms by the User or otherwise provided to the Operator.
  5. The Operator may disable access to the Platforms for the User and remove any objectionable part of the content of the Platforms in case of problematic content published by the User, as well as cancel the User Account. The Operator decides on the objectionability of the content published by the User at its discretion.
  6. By registering, the User does not acquire a legal right to use the Platforms or other services of the Operator. The Operator has the right to prevent the User from accessing the Platforms without stating a reason, or not to allow registration on the Platforms and the creation of a User Account, or to cancel the User Account without compensation, especially if the User violates the rules set forth in these General Terms and Conditions or otherwise infringes upon the legitimate interests of the Operator.
  7. The User has no right to compensation for damages or lost profits, or any other harm, in the event of the cancellation of registration or prevention of access to the Platforms.
  8. The User is entitled to cancel their registration on the Platforms at any time by selecting the appropriate option in the user interface of their User Account. The User can also request cancellation from the Operator via email; in such a case, the registration and User Account will be canceled without undue delay from the submission of the request to the Operator.


  1. The Operator offers Users services in the field of education, development of innovative projects, and business support through the Platforms, in accordance with these Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Services").

  1. The User can use the Operator's Services after creating a User Account on the Platforms. The User is entitled to choose from various chapters, forms, and phases that contain educational texts, instructional videos, and links to relevant resources as part of the Services provided by the Operator.
  2. The User is also entitled to use offers from the list of "Experts" available on the Platforms, as well as take advantage of any benefits or discounts available in the "Benefits and Discounts" option.


  1. The User is obligated to use the Platform and User Account in accordance with these Conditions, comply with applicable legal regulations, act honestly, and in accordance with good morals.
  2. The User is obligated to behave in a way that does not damage the good reputation and rights of the Operator, the Platforms, or other Users in any manner. The User is obligated to act in such a way that no damage occurs to the property of the Operator or third parties in connection with the operation of the Platforms, nor any other harm related to the operation of the Platforms.
  3. The User is further obligated to:              
  1. secure the User Account with a username and password and implement and maintain standard security processes (including appropriate technical, administrative, and physical safeguards) aimed at protecting all access data to the User Account and preventing unauthorized use or access to the User Account;         
  2. maintain confidentiality regarding information necessary for accessing their User Account and not allow third parties to use the User Account;            
  3. inform the Operator of any unauthorized use or access to the User Account and ensure timely invalidation/replacement of potentially or actually compromised access data.
  1. The User is aware that the ability to use the Platforms depends on the following conditions, which the Operator is not responsible for:         
  1. the availability of the User's internet connection (including backup internet connection) with sufficient capacity; and            
  2. the proper functioning of the device used by the User when using the Platforms (software, hardware, etc.).

  1. Without the explicit prior written consent of the Operator, the User may not, nor allow any third party to: 
  1. decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Platforms or any of their features; 
  2. remove, modify, or obscure any copyright or proprietary notices contained in the Platforms; 
  3. use the Platforms to create a similar or competitive product or service; 

  1. gain unauthorized access to the Platforms (e.g., through another system or tool); 
  2. use the Platforms or any part of them in a manner that is contrary to applicable law or infringes any third party's privacy or intellectual property rights; 
  3. publish, send, upload, or otherwise transmit through the Platforms any data containing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, corrupted files, or other computer programs or procedures capable of damaging, harmfully interfering with, secretly intercepting, or appropriating any systems, data, personal information, or property of another; 
  4. transmit spam, chain letters, or other unsolicited communications through the Platforms; 
  5. disrupt the integrity or security of the Platforms; or 
  6. take any actions that will or may impose an unreasonable or disproportionately  large load on the Operator's infrastructure.
  1. If the User breaches the obligations set out in these Conditions, including all their parts, and this conduct causes any damage or harm to the Operator, the Operator is entitled to seek compensation from the User for the damage or harm caused, including lost profits and any other legal claims.
  2. The Operator is not responsible for Users' communication outside the Platforms nor for any circumstances or consequences arising from such communication. The Operator cannot guarantee that any request or communication will be appropriately and timely delivered, read, fulfilled, performed, or accepted by the User.


  1. The Operator assumes no responsibility for any errors, incompleteness, inaccuracies, or falsehoods in the content on the Platforms, nor for any illegal actions by Users, including actions infringing or threatening the intellectual property rights of third parties.
  2. The Operator does not provide Users with any advice and therefore bears no responsibility for the outcome of Users' actions.
  3. The User acknowledges that the Operator does not guarantee and is not responsible for any costs or damages caused by the unavailability or interruption of the functionality of the Platforms or the termination of the Platforms' operation; this also applies similarly to potential third-party services.
  4. In no event is the Operator liable to Users for any damages or harm, including lost profits, lost revenues, lost data, or any indirect, special, or incidental damages that may occur, particularly, but not exclusively, in connection with third-party services and third-party content. The Operator is not responsible for any losses or damages that cannot be reasonably foreseen.


  1. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Operator is the sole holder of all rights related to the Platforms and the blog, and that the Platforms are protected under the relevant provisions of Act No. 185/2015 Coll. the Copyright Act, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Copyright Act"), and other related legal regulations. The User is granted only the right to use the Platforms to the extent necessary for the use of the Platforms for the User's commercial purposes in accordance with their intent and purpose as specified by these Terms.
  2. No provision of these Terms or any other document shall be construed as granting, assigning, or transferring any intellectual property rights to the Platforms, the blog, or any parts thereof, know-how, trade secrets, documents, technologies, patents, or expertise owned by the Operator or used in operating the Platforms to the User.
  3. When using the Platforms, the User is always obliged to act in such a way as not to violate any rights of the Operator and to act exclusively in accordance with the legal order of the Slovak Republic, particularly with legal norms concerning copyright and intellectual property rights. If the User violates the terms of use of the Platforms according to these Terms, the Operator is entitled to restrict or completely prevent their use by the User.
  4. In the case of unauthorized use of any part of the Platforms without the Operator's consent, the Operator is entitled to use all means to protect its rights and legitimate interests in accordance with the Copyright Act or other legal regulations, particularly the right to seek an injunction against interference with copyright and the removal of such interference, the right to compensation for damages, and the right to surrender unjust enrichment.
  5. If the User places any materials on the Platforms or the blog as part of their permitted use, which are works of authorship under the Copyright Act (particularly authored texts, photographs, images, etc.), the User hereby grants the Operator consent to use such works, particularly by publishing them in the Operator's materials, making them available on the Platforms, and placing them in press advertisements, posters, leaflets, and similar promotional materials as part of the Operator's advertising, marketing, or promotional activities or campaigns, including the right to grant all these mentioned rights in whole or in part in favor of third parties. In relation to such materials, the User also declares that they are the author or have the author's consent to place the materials on the Platforms. All authorizations under this paragraph are granted by the User to the Operator without any entitlement to any remuneration or additional remuneration, for the territory of the entire world and for an unlimited time, as well as without any other restrictions. If the User's declaration under this point proves to be false, the Operator is entitled to seek compensation from the User for all damages and costs caused by relying on the User's declaration and using the materials as stated above.

    1. The Operator may revise the features of the Platforms over time, particularly, but not exclusively, by adding new features, modifying current features, and/or removing current features.
    2. The Operator will make reasonable efforts to maintain the Platforms in a way that minimizes errors and interruptions in the availability of the Platforms. Users acknowledge that the Platforms and the User Account may be temporarily unavailable for scheduled maintenance (especially regarding necessary maintenance of the Operator's hardware and software equipment, or necessary maintenance of third-party hardware and software equipment that provide operation of the Platforms or other related services for the Operator) or for unscheduled emergency maintenance, either by the Operator and/or third parties, or for other reasons beyond the reasonable control of the Operator. The Operator will make reasonable efforts to inform Users about any planned interruption of the operation of the Platforms.
    3. The Operator is not liable for any damage caused to the User in connection with the interruption of the operation of the Platforms.

    1. Users acknowledge that the Operator processes personal data provided by them for the purpose of operating the Platform in accordance with the legal regulations related to the processing and protection of personal data, in particular, but not exclusively, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"), Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data as amended, and any judicial or administrative interpretations of legal regulations related to the processing and protection of personal data.
    2. Details regarding the collection, processing, and protection of Users' personal data by the Operator are available on the web here:


  1. Confidential information refers to all the content of these General Terms and Conditions, the Platforms, and everything related to them, including all business or technological information, as well as all information that the User learns in connection with the fulfillment of these Terms and in connection with the Platforms (hereinafter 

referred to as "Confidential Information"). The User agrees not to transfer or disclose Confidential Information to third parties, except for their employees, nor to misuse it for their own benefit or the benefit of a third party.

  1. Confidential Information also includes information about the know-how and other matters of the Operator or the User that are not publicly available and known, and are subject to trade secrets, and the Operator and the User designate them as trade secrets.
  2. The obligation of confidentiality does not apply to the disclosure of Confidential Information: 
  1. to persons acting on behalf of or for the benefit of the User (e.g., lawyers, auditors, or other advisors of the User), if the knowledge of such Confidential Information is necessary for the performance of tasks or the provision of services by such a person in connection with the contractual relationship between the User and the Operator or these Terms; or 
  2. if the Operator has given prior written consent to the disclosure of Confidential Information; or 
  3. in the event of a legal obligation to prevent or report the commission of a crime or other legally imposed obligation; in such a case, the User is obliged to designate the provided information as a trade secret and promptly inform the Operator of its disclosure.


  1. In the event of a breach of obligations under these Terms and Conditions by the User, the Operator is entitled to cancel the User Account of the respective User at any time.
  2. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall remain valid and effective. Invalid or ineffective provisions will be replaced by other provisions that are valid and effective and that best correspond to the sense and content of the original provisions.
  3. These General Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws in force in the territory of the Slovak Republic. For the resolution of any disputes arising from or related to these Terms and Conditions, the courts in the Slovak Republic have substantive and territorial jurisdiction.
  4. These General Terms and Conditions are subject to ongoing changes. All updates to these General Terms and Conditions are published on the Operator's website. Each update becomes effective on the day of its publication on the Operator's website, unless otherwise stated therein. If the User disagrees with the change, they have the right to notify the Operator of their disagreement in writing or to cancel their User Account; in such a case, they are no longer entitled to use the Operator's services in connection with the operation of the Platforms. If the User does not notify the Operator of their disagreement within 10 days from the date the new version of the General 

Terms and Conditions comes into effect, it is considered that they agree with the changes and commit to comply with these Terms and Conditions. Upon the new Terms and Conditions taking effect, the original Terms and Conditions lose their validity and effectiveness.

  1. The rights and obligations of the User arising from these General Terms and Conditions may be transferred to a third party only with the consent of the Operator. The User hereby expresses their consent to the assignment of any rights and obligations of the Operator arising from these Terms and Conditions to any third party.
  2. The offsetting of any claims and liabilities arising from the contractual relationship based on these General Terms and Conditions by the User is not permitted.
  3. The Operator is not responsible for any damage, harm, or loss resulting from any act or omission by the User or other third parties in connection with the provision of services intermediated on the Platforms. The Operator is also not responsible for damage, harm, or loss that arises as a result of any act or omission by the User that is contrary to these Terms and Conditions.