Corporate Acceleration program


Zaporizhstal partnered with Radar Tech to drive innovation in metallurgy through a startup integration program. Selected participants received mentoring and testing opportunities, fostering technological advancements in production processes.


In 2020, Zaporizhstal set a new task: to create a fully automated system for flow analysis of raw materials in sinter and blast furnace production.


Radar Tech and Zaporizhstal launched Zaporizhstal.Innovation program. The program was aimed at finding and accelerating the integration of technology startups and developments in the field of metallurgy. The focus of the search was on technological solutions that can be used to analyze raw materials in sinter production or that will help optimize Zaporizhstal production processes. Selected participants got individual mentoring support provided by the Zaporizhstal and Metinvest experts. They got the opportunity to test the product at the company, and were provided assistance and support until the start of commercial cooperation.


35 solutions from 12 countries
14 semifinalists
5 finalists to participate in a closed tender
Stay in touch with the opportunities
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