Corporate Acceleration program


HealthCare Lab is an accelerator for healthtech startups across Central and Southeastern Europe. The program connects innovators with industry leaders to tackle key healthcare challenges. This initiative successfully fosters a collaborative ecosystem for advancing digital health innovations.


We’ve partnered with Roche, a leading global player in healthcare innovations, to design and execute a state-of-the-art startup accelerator for digital health startups. The challenge HealthCare Lab wanted to address was the lack of a CEE-wide startup support program helping entrepreneurs in the region build digital health ventures with global potential. In addition, the client’s objective was to meaningfully connect and align different stakeholders in healthcare ecosystems to support innovations in the sector.


We have designed and executed HealthCare Lab, a leading accelerator for promising healthtech startups from 16 countries in Central and Southeastern Europe. Its mission has been to connect, grow, and nurture an international community of innovators, researchers, healthcare providers, and regulators to bring groundbreaking innovations in healthcare to the market faster. HealthCare Lab is more than just a traditional corporate accelerator. In this digital innovation program, innovators come together with industry leaders from Roche, the innovation community of EIT Health, and innovation experts from CIVITTA to solve some of the biggest challenges in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Based on three predefined challenges, startup teams were invited to co-create and pilot new solutions directly with international experts from Roche. To achieve the desired impact of the project, an essential step was to define the most relevant challenges. Then Roche could build partnerships with startups and co-create solutions around them. In collaboration with Roche and EIT Health, CIVITTA helped to choose and define challenges with high impact on healthcare and patients. It also presented topics with innovation potential and strategic relevance: healthcare data management, screening and early diagnostics, digital therapeutics, and disease management.


24 Startups
330+ Startup applications from 30+ countries​
10 Key strategic challenges
5 Winner teams of 6 awards
30+ Roche experts involved as mentors and speakers​
50+ Expert mentors delivering workshops or mentoring​
250+ Healthcare industry stakeholders in events
2 Startups signed an investment term sheet during the acceleration phase​

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