To enhance product delivery processes and foster innovation within its corporate culture, a Telco company partnered with CIVITTA to organize a 48-hour hackathon. CIVITTA guided internal employees through Design Thinking stages to develop human-centric processes using Agile principles.


The Telco company was looking for innovative ways to improve their product delivery processes. They decided to incorporate Agile principles into their processes that would fit into their corporate culture. The aim was to involve employees in the creative process. Apart from that, the company’s intent was to discover fresh ideas within and to improve its corporate culture.


CIVITTA helped to design and deliver a 48-hour hackathon for internal employees to develop new human-centric product delivery processes using Agile principles. CIVITTA helped to formulate the cases.

We conducted a 48-hour design sprint for internal employees, guided by CIVITTA's experts through all Design Thinking stages. Teams presented their ideas to the Board Members' jury, with the winning concept planned for implementation after the hackathon. Other ideas were scheduled for future review.


30 employees trained in Design Thinking principles
5 implementable and human-centric solutions for adopting Agile delivery processes
innovation culture stimulation amongst all employee levels
internal innovation capacities boosted

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