Design thinking workshops


Union Insurance partnered with CIVITTA to drive internal innovation amid a digital transformation. CIVITTA facilitated one-day ideation workshops, empowering employees at all levels to contribute fresh ideas and foster a culture of innovation within the company.


A major insurance company, Union, had started a digital transformation and was looking to boost internal innovation capacities. The company aimed to involve its employees in the idea creation process, to find fresh ideas inside the company, and improve corporate culture.


CIVITTA has helped to identify key areas the company should focus on for the first iteration of the innovation program and developed the concept of one-day ideation workshops. CIVITTA experts guided all levels of employees through the ideation process during three one-day workshops with a hands-on approach on topics of customer centricity products.


3 one-day workshops,  
50+ employees trained in Design Thinking,  
200+ ideas submitted to the platform
Expanded internal innovation capacities
innovation platform support  
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