Innovation audit and action plan


Deutsche Telekom aimed for a comprehensive transformation into a cross-industry, product-driven company with a robust internal innovation culture. Through mapping analysis and workshops with senior executives, a targeted action plan was crafted to align processes, talent, and initiatives, addressing immediate challenges while laying the groundwork for future strategic shifts.


Major Telco player in Slovakia was working on a long-term transformation into a cross-industry and product-driven company with strong internal innovation culture.


CIVITTA conducted a mapping analysis of all innovation processes, activities & initiatives and verified the findings with key personnel to identify “white spots” in their approach. Through a series of workshops with senior executives, an action plan with short- and mid-term goals was developed to align processes, talent, investments & initiatives.


The team co-created a concrete action plan with prioritized initiatives to address the transformation challenges in short-term, and multiple mid-term strategic alternatives to follow the transformation agenda.  

Years: 2021
Country: Slovakia
Innovation Health Check report
Series of workshops with senior executives
Concrete roadmap and action plan with priorities and new initiatives
Stay in touch with the opportunities
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