City sustainability hackathon


Climathon Bratislava is a two-day innovation event during which teams of students and enthusiasts from all over Slovakia create solutions for municipal infrastructure, climate resilience, and citizen engagement in collaboration with city representatives, experienced mentors and experts.


We have joined forces with the City of Bratislava to design and deliver Climathon Bratislava. Climathon is a hackathon, where teams of students and enthusiasts from all over the country create solutions in collaboration with city representatives, experienced mentors, and experts. Climathon Bratislava is part of the global initiative Climathon, which involves more than 140 cities from 56 countries worldwide.  

The city challenges, addressed by participants, included increasing the use of municipal infrastructure, creating services supporting climate resilience of the city, and encouraging citizen involvement and engagement with the city representatives.  


The vision of the City of Bratislava is to become a resilient and sustainable city that provides a livable urban space to its citizens. To help achieve this vision, CIVITTA organized and structured a two-day hackathon for more than 150 participants. In close cooperation with the city representatives, CIVITTA helped to define and design the three most relevant challenges. The participants had exclusive access to live city data provided during the hackathon. They had 48 hours to co-create and pilot innovative solutions, and present them in front of an expert jury. CIVITTA also supported the client in connecting and aligning the client's representatives with idea holders and innovators.


11 Challenges
640 Registered participants
40 Mentors
94 Teams submitted their final presentations

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