Application open
Apply to the accelerator by submitting an application form via F6S.
Applications deadline
Make sure you submit your application by Wednesday, 23:59 CET. Within a week, you will learn whether you are selected to attend the preacceleration bootcamp.
Preacceleration bootcamp
You'll have an opportunity to pitch your solution, participate in the workshops from top-notch trainers and meet industry experts.
The Acceleration program
3 months of accelerating your startups’ growth and product development with ongoing business and tech mentorship, workshops on relevant topics, successful founders’ experience sharing, and networking meetings with investors and corporates.
Demo Day
Pitch your startup to investors, clients, partners, and media at the acceleration program's finale. Win a prize and forge valuable connections to take your enterprise to new heights!
Post acceleration support
Individual assistance connecting you to potential investors, corporate partners and programs for further development.